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/ The Best of Select: Games 13 / The Best of Select: Games 13.iso / dosgames / kalakh

Archives (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
img0e.imp GZip archive 1 28KB 1990-12-13
img1e.imp GZip archive 1 28KB 1991-01-02
img2e.imp GZip archive 1 36KB 1991-01-17
img3e.imp GZip archive 1 34KB 1991-01-17
img4e.imp GZip archive 1 37KB 1991-01-02

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
file_id.diz Text File 18 741b 1994-10-04
go.bat DOS Batch File 5 25b 1996-12-04
readme Text File 45 2KB 1991-07-30

Other Files (3)
kalakh.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 149KB 1991-07-30
chklist.ms Unknown 27b 1994-10-21
kalakh.tou Unknown 53b 1995-08-11